Arts+ Meets Students Where They Are Through ArtsReach Programs at Partner Sites

At Arts+, we believe in providing not just outstanding but accessible arts education. That’s why we run several outreach programs throughout the year that teach music and visual art at absolutely no cost to students or program sites. This summer, our ArtsReach program met students where they are at ourBridge, Learning Help Centers of Charlotte, and more.

With ourBridge and GEP at Merry Oaks, we brought visual art instruction to students in grades K-5. Participants created artwork focused on storytelling, cultural literacy, self-esteem, and individuality. At ourBridge Southside, students learned how to make paper by preparing pulp baths and pulling two sheets of paper. They then had the opportunity to turn their paper into handmade books. “This activity helps students connect something they use every day with the skills and materials it traditionally took to make,” said Director of Visual Art Programs Caroline Tippette.

Additionally, we brought music instruction to students at sites at First Baptist Church West, Learning Help Centers of Charlotte, and the YWCA. Through brass band, bucket band, and more, students learned problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. They also built confidence by performing in front of a crowd.
As Arts+ heads into the fall, we will continue to work with these partner sites as well as additional ones including Safe Alliance and The Retreat. Arts+ customizes the content and delivery for each group we work with. For example, with The Retreat, an independent living home, we teach jewelrymaking because participants love making things to wear. With Safe Alliance, an organization that provides hope and healing to those impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault, we focus on activities families can do together to promote bonding after traumatic events, such as making dreamcatchers.

“I love getting to know and understand the amazing work happening in our community thanks to our incredible partner sites,” said Associate Director of Music Programs Kinsey Fournier.
Arts+ is grateful to Assistance League Charlotte, U.S. Bank, and Southminster for their support of ArtsReach.