Charlotte Youth Choir (CYC)
Harmony Choir (Grades 2-3)
Training Choir for beginning singers Grades 2-3. Learn to sing, read music, and have fun with a variety of musical styles and song selections.

Choir Description
Harmony Choir is perfect for growing young singers in 2nd and 3rd grades. In Harmony Choir, CYC singers practice how to sing with a healthy voice and begin reading music while having fun with a great variety of music selections. Students learn how to become independent, confident performers and to grow their voices to be strong and beautiful.
No prior experience or musical know-how is required, as we believe that every child can sing!
Harmony Choir rehearses on Mondays from 5-6:15 p.m.
New to Charlotte Youth Choir? Start by completing our New Singer Form.
Returning student? Register below!