March 18, 2024

Hear From Families Supported by Financial Aid

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At Arts+, we believe in providing not only outstanding arts education but accessible arts education. That’s why we offer financial aid for all of our programs, including group classes and workshops, private music lessons, and summer camps. We award nearly $100,000 of financial aid annually to students, ensuring that everyone in the community has access to outstanding arts education, no matter their financial circumstance.

As the April 15 deadline to apply for financial aid for the 2024-2025 fiscal year approaches, we wanted to take the opportunity to share testimonials from students and families who have benefited from our accessible approach to arts education.

It has given us relief that our child can play, be encouraged, and learn their instrument without having the burden of how will we afford this or even eliminating the option of her playing altogether.
- Private Lessons Student Family

Grateful for the opportunity to have my child exposed to the skill of playing the violin. She now wants to be a violin teacher when she grows up. Thank you!
- Private Lessons Student Caregiver

I'm so grateful to this program. I really appreciate the accessibility through scholarship and the way we were able to be introduced to formal music lessons through a toddler group class.
- Discovering Strings Student Caregiver

We are both extremely grateful. She is thankful for the opportunity and chance to learn the drums and I am happy that she has something of interest to look forward to afterschool that I know will be a skill/gift in life no matter what. And being in a single parent household did not have to play a role in the financial decision. Thank you.
- Private Lessons Student Caregiver

I unexpectedly cried when I received the email about being granted a scholarship and I am tearful now thinking about this question. I grew up in a home with an extremely self-sufficient family culture. I always struggled to ask for help and am even worse at receiving it when it's offered. My ego and I prefer to be on the giving end. But, after some hard years, I learned to allow myself to make some asks. I was determined to not waste this gift and worked to create an environment that supported his playing and made violin practice the one hill I will die on (along with brushing teeth). It has become a big beautiful part of our lives. I have even been able to borrow a violin to play along with him. Even though it's his scholarship, it has shown me, personally, that I can receive sometimes too.
- Private Lessons Student Caregiver

Learn more about Arts+ financial aid and apply.